Tuesday, 23 December 2014

General Dictionary File on Any Unix System


source: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4456446/dictionary-text-file

Thursday, 11 December 2014

SolidWorks - Patterning Bodies using 'Linear Pattern' Command

After selecting Linear Pattern:
"You just need to expand the box under "bodies to pattern" and select the body (from your solid bodies folder) in its selection box. You were trying to pattern a feature, which SW will not allow to create multiple bodies."

source: http://www.cadforums.net/showthread.php/9084-Linear-Pattern-Problem

SolidWorks - Make a Drawing from Assembly

"In a part or assembly document, click Make Drawing from Part/Assembly on the Standard toolbar"

source: http://config.boxxtech.com/Downloads/partners/solidworks/drawings.v4.pdf

Windows Change Keyboard Layout

intl.cpl in the Start Search box

source: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/258824

Mac Changing Video Playback Speeds in QuickTime

Option-clicking the forward button increases playback speed by 0.1. Clicking the backward button plays videos in reverse though. You can set the rate between 0 and 1 by running this in AppleScript Editor:
tell application "QuickTime Player" to set rate of document 1 to 0.8

source: http://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/10464/how-can-i-repeat-a-video-at-slow-playback-speed

Monday, 8 December 2014

Windows 7, 8 step recorder software

"LPT: Windows 7 and 8 has a hidden steps recorder software that you can use to record what you do on the screen and it turns it into step-by-step instructions next to screen captures."

source: http://www.reddit.com/r/LifeProTips/comments/2olncr/lpt_windows_7_and_8_has_a_hidden_steps_recorder/

Friday, 5 December 2014

Prevent Fonts From Changing in PowerPoint by Embedding in File

In PowerPoint 2007
  1. Click the Office button.
  2. Click the PowerPoint Options button.
  3. Select Save in the Options list.
  4. Check the box for Embed Fonts in File and make one of the following choices
    • By default the selection is "Embed only the characters used in the presentation (best for reducing file size)".
    • Second option - "Embed all characters (best for editing by other people)".

source: http://presentationsoft.about.com/od/powerpointtipsandfaqs/f/change_fonts.htm