Sunday, 8 July 2018

Driver Installation Issue with BeagleBone Black (generalizable to any failures of installation of unsigned drivers)

Installation of Windows 10 Bone_D64.exe was failing.

Reason turned out to be:
Microsoft OS no longer allows direct installation of unsigned drivers to reduce access by malware. (there might be more to this...)

> Updating the BIOS did not work for me, but installing RNDIS drive worked
> with the following instructions (found somewhere else that I cannot find
> now)
> device manager
> Under other devices choose RNDIS
> right click on it and update driver
> Browse my computer
> let me pick
> "Network adapters"
> select microsoft from on the left
> choose "USB RNDIS"
> Click next
> click yes
> then close
> DONE!!! YEAH !!!


Monday, 2 July 2018

Fixing when a file exceeds github's file size limit of 100 mb

git filter-branch --index-filter 'git rm --cached --ignore-unmatch [file]' merge-point..HEAD
