Monday, 28 May 2018

Git: .lock error while pushing [to origin]

My solution was re-creating the index (while keeping the worktree intact):
del .git\index
git reset --mixed head


Host-Only Networking with VirtualBox

Adding a NAT Adapter

This will allow the guest system to access the broader internet through your host’s connection. You’ll be able to download packages, check email; whatever. Nobody outside sees anything of your guest system; as far as they’re concerned, it doesn’t exist. However, you cannot access any guest resources from your host machine, nor can any guest machines access each other. Yet.


Tuesday, 15 May 2018

Debugging Samsung S8

various tips on restarting and booting in safe mode.


Tuesday, 8 May 2018

Changing default font/spacing/etc in Microsoft Word

make changes to a document, apply changes to all (Normal.dotm) by setting as default.
