Wednesday, 4 April 2018

Powerpoint - multiple, simultaneous, automatic videos

Open up the animation pane and clear all other triggers/actions (source:

Select all videos on the slide that you want to play simultaneously. In the Animations tab, hit play. Right click on any of the selected videos and change to start 'Automatically'.


Tuesday, 3 April 2018

SolidWorks - customize keyboard shortcuts

To customize shortcut keys:
  1. With a document open, click Tools > Customize, or right-click in the window border and select Customize.
  2. Select the Keyboard tab.


SolidWorks - disable resource monitor notification

Access the Windows Notifications Settings
To quickly access Windows Notification settings you can enter ‘Notification‘ into the search box next to the Windows icon on the left of the task bar (if the Search Box is missing right-click on the task bar and select Cortana > Search Box).

Then select Notifications & action settings from best match list:

Choose which SOLIDWORKS Resource Monitor Notifications to receive
In the notifications and actions dialog scroll in the list until you find the SOLIDWORKS Resource Monitor (if it’s not listed then you likely do not have SOLIDWORKS running , just start the application and it should appear).

Pick on the item to access it’s settings — or you can just turn them all off by moving the slider to off.

In the SOLIDWORKS Resource Monitor settings dialog you can then pick and choose which notifications you want to receive and how you want to receive them. For instance you still might want to receive all notifications but you can do so without a sound by turning play the sound to off:


Deleting custom power plans

Click Start, and type power options.

Click Power Options.

Click Change Plan Settings under the plan you want to delete.

Click Delete This Plan and then OK.
Note: The Delete This Plan option only appears on plans you have created and that are not currently in use.

--> Can't delete the current plan that you're on.


Unpairing a bluetooth device

Some smaller bluetooth devices seem to support only one link at a time (i.e. bluetooth mouse).

Click the Bluetooth icon in the notification area and choose the command Show Bluetooth Devices.

Right-click a device in the window.

The device doesn’t need to be on to be unpaired. You’ll notice that the devices show up in the window regardless of whether they’re on.

Choose the command Remove or Remove Device.

Click the Yes button in the Remove Device dialog box.

If prompted, type the administrator’s password or click the Continue button.
