Wednesday, 8 November 2017

SolidWorks Pack and Go for not messing up references

To access Pack and Go:
In SOLIDWORKS, click File > Pack and Go.
In Windows Explorer or SOLIDWORKS Task Pane File Explorer, right-click a SOLIDWORKS document and select SOLIDWORKS > Pack and Go .
In SOLIDWORKS Explorer, select a SOLIDWORKS document and choose SOLIDWORKS Pack and Go .

Files that are embedded (Design Journal, for example) are part of the document and are included without being listed in the Pack and Go dialog box.

Monday, 6 November 2017

Disable snap assist on windows

System Settings > Multitasking > Toggle Snap Assist


Dual screen on VirtualBox

  1. Power off your virtual machine if it's on.
  2. From the main VirtualBox window, select your VM and choose “Settings”.
  3. Choose “Display”.
  4. Below “Video Memory” is “Monitor Count”. Slide it to 2, and adjust your video memory if VirtualBox complains.
  5. Start your guest and perform the standard "Extend the desktop onto this display". This will be different per guest OS. (Guest Additions need to be installed.)
  6. A second "Oracle VM VirtualBox" window will appear with the second display. You can resize it however you want.

You may need to enable the second monitor by going to [view] -> [monitor 2] -> [enable].
