Tuesday, 12 September 2017

SolidWorks Features defined in the context of another assembly

Problem: "This part has features defined in the context of another assembly. <file name>. you can edit the part, but cannot create any external references to the components of the current assembly."

1) If you want to free the parts from old assy then go to individual parts & edit them to remove all the external reference( to another assy).


2)  Just click the check mark so that u can have multiple context.
     Toos==>options==>system options==.External Reference

Check off 'Allow multiple contexts for parts when editing in assembly'.

source: https://forum.solidworks.com/thread/57521

Saturday, 2 September 2017

Rotating Sketch Entities in Solidworks

To rotate sketch entities:
In sketch mode click Rotate Entities  Tool_Rotate_Entities_Sketch.gif (Sketch toolbar) or Tools > Sketch Tools > Rotate.
In the PropertyManager, under Entities to Rotate:
Select sketch entities for Sketch item or annotations.
Select Keep relations to maintain relations between sketch entities. When cleared, relations are broken only between selected entities and those that are not selected; relations among the selected entities are maintained.
Under Parameters:
Sketch Type Instructions for modifying parameters
2D Sketch
3D Sketch On Plane
Click Base Point (Rotate Point Defined) to set a Base point Base_point_Move_Copy.gif, and then click in the graphics area to set the Center of rotation.
Set a value for Angle PM_angle.gif.
3D Sketch To rotate the entities using the 3D triad, select a ring and drag.

source: http://help.solidworks.com/2013/English/solidworks/sldworks/t_rotating_sketch_entities.htm