Saturday, 27 September 2014

Access the User Library folder on Mac and make it show permanently

In terminal:

chflags nohidden ~/Library/


Overheating Arduino Nano

Depending on the current draw of the circuit's load, can result in a large heat dissipation for a voltage regulator if its surface area and heat sink are insufficient.

For my use, dropping from 12V to 5V with microcontroller + air compressors + solenoids(~55mA each) is causing significant overheating on the Arduino board.


Friday, 26 September 2014

Bring up the Force Quit menu on Mac

Command + Option + Escape


Friday, 19 September 2014

Edit Chrome browser properties

Type into Chrome:


Remove startup applications from OSX

Click on [System Preferences].
Find the accounts or user tab.
Click on the user for whom you want to change the settings.
Edit the list of login applications.


Thursday, 18 September 2014

Code block in Blogger post.

<textarea cols="60" name="textarea" rows="8" wrap="VIRTUAL">

Add this in the HTML view. Change cols to make it wider, rows to make it taller.


Using Arduino Uno to read Sparkfun Razor IMU (9DOF) output via Serial.

I had a lot of trouble with interpreting the output of the Sparkfun Razor IMU (9DOF) using Arduino Uno. Scouring the internet for previous solutions, I came to believe that the proper way to handle the output from the IMU required massaging the bytes obtained via However, it turns out that the solution is as simple as interpreting each byte as an ASCII character (type: char). Here's what worked for me:

Connect the following pins.
Arduino --- IMU
RX --- TX
TX --- RX
3.3V --- 3.3V

On the IMU board, CTS (Clear To Send) and DTR (Data Terminal Ready) do not require a connection for Serial. They are used for the FTDI Serial to USB connection.


On the Arduino Uno - Below is the simplest, baseline code you need to read the output from the IMU using another Arduino (I say another because the IMU contains its own ATMega chip):

When writing new sketches to the Arduino, you'll need to unplug the RX/TX 

On the Sparkfun Razor IMU - load the code found on here: If you want to change the Serial output of the IMU, modify Output.ino within the Razor_AHRS folder in this conditional:

Arduino: Convert String to int.



Arduino: Convert String to float.

char floatbuf[32]; // make this at least big enough for the whole string
curLongitude.toCharArray(floatbuf, sizeof(floatbuf));
float f = atof(floatbuf);


Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Arduino FTDI Programming Problems

For errors relating to:

avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x00


avrdude: usbdev_open(): did not find any USB device "usb"


If you are using a board version that contains an FTDI chip, you'll need to install the appropriate driver for your operating system. This software can be found at (
